Search engine optimization

Website optimization is framed by a wide range of features.

Competition study

Study of the competition regarding the object of targeting, identification of weaknesses, keywords, advertising campaigns, etc.

Code Analysis

Study and modify the code to achieve the maximum result in website optimization.

Speed improvement

Improving the responsiveness and loading speed of the website by mitigating resources or implementing optimization techniques.

Modification of content

Modifying the content and texts to match the appropriate words or phrases.

White Hat SEO

Use of methods and techniques in optimizing web pages according to search engine regulations.


Careful study and analysis of the appropriate focus words or phrases of content optimization.

Evaluation algorithms

Analysis of content with proprietary state-of-the-art rating and rating algorithms.

Structured data

Structured data helps search engines understand the nature and content.

Swipe for more

Expertise, experience and innovative ideas

Search engines are the biggest source of finding information on the internet. Creating a website is not enough to appear in the first search results in its category, because search engines do not understand natural language and cannot judge its content.

Web optimization comes to fill the gap and tailor your website accordingly

perceived by search engines, to be evaluated positively and to appear in the first positions of the results.

Web optimization consists of a series of rules and techniques, applied to the structure and content of the web page. Its goal is to rank highly in search engines and increase website traffic through organic results.



For website optimization, our company contacts you to obtain the necessary access information to your content and management system, to the server where the website code is located and the goal you want to achieve.

Before the website optimization process begins, we give you a report on the current situation on your website and briefly the plan we will follow to achieve the best possible optimization.





The website optimization process begins once the optimization scenarios and methods are agreed upon and recorded. Our company starts the optimization of the website, recording the results and sending you progress reports, until the desired result is achieved. The process is completed and we send you a final report on the initial and final phase.

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